研究社 新英和中辞典 | 生物
- Homo sapiens
- Mendelian
- Philadelphia chromosome
- X chromosome
- Y chromosome
- aberrant
- aberration
- abort
- abortion
- acclimation
- acquired
- adult
- aerobe
- aerobic
- albino
- alternation
- anabolic
- anabolism
- analog
- analogy
- animalcule
- appendage
- archi‐
- armor
- articulate
- asexual
- atavism
- atrophy
- binomial
- biogenesis
- bioluminescence
- biolysis
- biosphere
- bisexual
- blastula
- catabolic
- catabolism
- cell
- chimera
- chromatic
- chromatin
- chromosome
- cilia
- clade
- class
- classification
- cleavage
- cline
- clone
- colonial
- colony
- conjugate
- conjugation
- connate
- cosmopolitan
- deciduous
- degenerate
- degeneration
- degenerative
- degradation
- degrade
- determinant
- devolution
- division
- dominant
- dysgenic
- ectoderm
- ectoplasm
- egg cell
- embryo
- endoderm
- eosinophil
- eugenic
- evolution
- evolutionism
- family
- feedback
- fertilization
- fertilize
- fetal
- fetus
- fission
- fix
- gamete
- gene
- gene splicing
- generate
- generation
- generic
- genotype
- genus
- germ
- germ plasm
- hermaphrodite
- hierarchy
- histology
- homologous
- homologue
- homology
- host
- impregnate
- individual
- inherit
- inheritance
- irritation
- kingdom
- larva
- life cycle
- life history
- mantle
- medium
- meiosis
- mesoderm
- metabolic
- metabolism
- metabolize
- mimesis
- mimetic
- mimic
- mimicry
- missing link
- mitosis
- morphology
- mutagen
- mutant
- mutate
- mutation
- natural selection
- neuter
- nitrogen cycle
- nucleus
- obsolescence
- obsolescent
- obsolete
- one‐celled
- ontogeny
- order
- ovate
- ovulate
- ovum
- parasitism
- parthenogenesis
- phase
- phenotype
- pheromone
- phototropism
- phylogeny
- phylum
- pigment
- plasmid
- population
- posterior
- primitive
- proliferate
- proliferation
- protoplasm
- prototype
- realm
- recessive
- regenerate
- regeneration
- regression
- reversion
- revert
- rickettsia
- rod
- rudiment
- rudimentary
- segment
- segmentation
- selection
- sex chromosome
- simulate
- simulation
- species
- spermatozoon
- splice
- spontaneous generation
- spore
- sport
- spurious
- stock
- strain
- subclass
- subfamily
- subgenus
- subkingdom
- suborder
- subspecies
- symbiosis
- system
- systematic
- the survival of the fittest
- trace element
- transformation
- tribe
- tropism
- type
- unicellular
- unisexual
- variability
- variable
- variation
- variety
- vascular
- vector
- vestige
- vestigial
- virginal
- vitalism
- zygote
- Amphibia
- Appaloosa
- Arabian camel
- Bactrian camel
- Barbary sheep
- Gila monster
- Indian elephant
- Komodo dragon
- Medusa
- Portuguese man‐of‐war
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian wolf
- aardvark
- addax
- adder
- agouti
- air sac
- alligator
- alpaca
- ameba
- anaconda
- anemone
- annelid
- annulus
- ant bear
- anteater
- antelope
- antenna
- ape
- arachnid
- armadillo
- arthropod
- asp
- ass
- asteroid
- axolotl
- aye‐aye
- baboon
- badger
- barb
- basilisk
- bat
- beach flea
- bear
- beaver
- beluga
- bighorn
- bison
- black bear
- black leopard
- black widow
- blackfish
- blacksnake
- blue whale
- boa
- boar
- bobcat
- bottle‐nosed dolphin
- bovine
- bronco
- brown bear
- brown rat
- bullfrog
- bush baby
- cachalot
- caiman
- camel
- carapace
- caribou
- carnivore
- cartilaginous
- cat
- catamount
- caudal
- cavy
- centipede
- cephalopod
- cestode
- cetacean
- chameleon
- chamois
- cheetah
- chigger
- chimpanzee
- chinchilla
- chipmunk
- cirrus
- civet cat
- classification
- coati
- cobra
- coelenterate
- coney
- copperhead
- coral
- coral snake
- cottontail
- cougar
- coyote
- crab
- crawfish
- crayfish
- crocodile
- crust
- cursorial
- cuttlefish
- daddy longlegs
- deer
- dentate
- display
- diurnal
- donkey
- dormouse
- drill
- dromedary
- duckbilled platypus
- dugong
- earthworm
- echidna
- echinus
- echolocation
- edentate
- eland
- elephant
- elk
- ermine
- estrous cycle
- estrus
- fallow deer
- feeler
- feline
- ferret
- finback whale
- fisher
- fitch
- flying fox
- flying lemur
- flying lizard
- flying squirrel
- frilled lizard
- frog
- fruit bat
- fur seal
- galago
- garter snake
- gavial
- gazelle
- gecko
- gerbil
- giant anteater
- giant panda
- gibbon
- giraffe
- glass snake
- glutton
- gnu
- goat
- gopher
- gorilla
- grampus
- gray squirrel
- great ape
- green turtle
- grizzly bear
- ground squirrel
- groundhog
- guinea pig
- hamadryad
- hamadryas baboon
- hamster
- harbor seal
- harem
- hartebeest
- harvestman
- hedgehog
- hermit crab
- hippopotamus
- hooded
- hoot owl
- horseshoe crab
- humpback whale
- hydra
- hydrozoan
- hyena
- ibex
- ichneumon
- iguana
- impala
- introvert
- invertebrate
- involute
- jackal
- jackrabbit
- jaguar
- jellyfish
- jerboa
- kangaroo
- kangaroo rat
- killer whale
- king cobra
- king crab
- kinkajou
- koala
- kolinsky
- koodoo
- krait
- krill
- land crab
- langur
- laughing hyena
- leech
- lemming
- lemur
- leopard
- lesser panda
- lion
- lizard
- llama
- lobster
- loggerhead turtle
- lugworm
- lynx
- mamba
- mammoth
- manatee
- mandrill
- marmoset
- marmot
- marsupial
- marten
- metazoan
- migratory
- millepede
- mink
- minke
- mite
- moccasin
- mole
- mollusc
- mongoose
- monitor
- monkey
- monogamous
- moose
- mountain cat
- mountain goat
- mountain lion
- mud turtle
- mule
- mule deer
- musk deer
- musk ox
- muskrat
- narwal
- nautilus
- newt
- nocturnal
- nutria
- ocellus
- ocelot
- octopus
- okapi
- opossum
- orangoutan
- orca
- orientation
- oryx
- otter
- oviparous
- pack rat
- paddle
- palmate
- panda
- pangolin
- panther
- paper nautilus
- paramecium
- parasite
- pard
- pearly nautilus
- peccary
- pectoral
- pedate
- pedicel
- peduncle
- phalanger
- pincers
- pine marten
- pinworm
- pit viper
- plastron
- platypus
- polar bear
- polecat
- polyp
- porcupine
- porpoise
- possum
- pouch
- prairie dog
- prairie wolf
- prawn
- predatory
- prehensile
- primate
- proboscis monkey
- pronghorn
- protective coloration
- protozoan
- protractile
- puff adder
- puma
- python
- quadruped
- raccoon
- raccoon dog
- rapacious
- raptorial
- rat
- rattle
- rattlesnake
- razorback
- red deer
- red fox
- red squirrel
- reebok
- reindeer
- resident
- rhesus monkey
- rhinoceros
- ribbon worm
- right whale
- roe deer
- roebuck
- roundworm
- sable
- salamander
- sand dollar
- sand flea
- scorpion
- sea anemone
- sea cow
- sea cucumber
- sea elephant
- sea lily
- sea lion
- sea otter
- sea snake
- sea urchin
- sedentary
- serow
- serval
- sewer rat
- shrew
- shrimp
- sidewinder
- sifaka
- silver fox
- siphon
- skink
- skunk
- sloth
- sloth bear
- slowworm
- slug
- snail
- snake
- snapping turtle
- snow leopard
- social
- softshell turtle
- spectacled
- sperm whale
- spider
- spider crab
- spider monkey
- spiny anteater
- spiny lobster
- spiracle
- sponge
- spotted hyena
- springbok
- squid
- squirrel
- starfish
- steenbok
- stoat
- sucker
- suctorial
- sun star
- swordtail
- tamarin
- tapeworm
- tapir
- tarsier
- tentacle
- terrapin
- terrestrial
- tetrapod
- threadworm
- tick
- tiger
- tiger cat
- timber rattlesnake
- timber wolf
- toad
- toothed whale
- tortoise
- transformation
- tree frog
- trematode
- turtle
- ungulate
- unicorn
- univalve
- vampire bat
- vicuna
- viper
- viviparous
- volant
- vole
- wallaby
- walrus
- wapiti
- warning coloration
- wart hog
- water buffalo
- water moccasin
- water rat
- water snake
- water vole
- waterbuck
- weasel
- whale
- whalebone whale
- whistler
- white bear
- white whale
- wild boar
- wildcat
- wisent
- wolf
- wolverine
- wombat
- woodchuck
- woodlouse
- worm
- yak
- zebra
- zebu
- zoophyte
- field mouse
- African violet
- California poppy
- Christmas cactus
- Daphne
- Douglas fir
- Himalayan cedar
- Indian hemp
- Japanese cedar
- Japanese cypress
- Japanese persimmon
- Japanese quince
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Judas tree
- Lebanon cedar
- Madonna lily
- May
- Michaelmas daisy
- Scotch pine
- Shasta daisy
- Swede
- Virginia creeper
- abaca
- acacia
- acanthus
- acerola
- aconite
- agaric
- agave
- air bladder
- air chamber
- air sac
- albumen
- alder
- alfalfa
- algae
- allspice
- almond
- aloe
- alternate
- amaranth
- amaryllis
- androgynous
- anemone
- angelica
- angiosperm
- anise
- annual
- anther
- antirrhinum
- apple tree
- apricot
- apterous
- arbutus
- areca
- armature
- arrowroot
- arrow‐head
- artichoke
- arum lily
- ash
- asparagus
- aspen
- asphodel
- aspidistra
- aster
- asymmetric
- asymmetry
- attenuate
- aubergine
- auricle
- autumn crocus
- autumnal
- avocado
- axil
- axilla
- axillary
- azalea
- balata
- balm of Gil・e・ad
- balsa
- balsam
- banana
- banyan
- baobab
- basil
- bass
- bay
- bayberry
- bearberry
- beard
- beech
- beet
- begonia
- belladonna
- bellflower
- bergamot
- berry
- betel
- betel palm
- biennial
- big tree
- bilberry
- bindweed
- bipartite
- birch
- bird's‐eye
- bitter orange
- bittersweet
- black spot
- black walnut
- blackberry
- blackcap
- blackcurrant
- blackthorn
- black‐eyed Susan
- bladderwort
- bleeding heart
- blight
- bloodroot
- blue flag
- bluebell
- blueberry
- bluebottle
- bluegrass
- bo tree
- borage
- bougainvillaea
- box
- bracken
- bract
- brake
- bramble
- breadfruit
- brier
- broad bean
- broccoli
- broom
- brussels sprout
- buckeye
- buckthorn
- buckwheat
- bulrush
- bundle
- burdock
- buttercup
- butternut
- cabbage palm
- cacao
- cactus
- calabash
- caladium
- calamus
- calla
- callus
- calyx
- camellia
- camomile
- camphor tree
- campion
- canal
- candytuft
- canker
- canna
- cannabis
- caper
- capsicum
- capsule
- caraway
- cardamom
- cardinal flower
- carnation
- carnivore
- carob
- carrot
- cascara
- cashew
- cassava
- castor‐oil plant
- catalpa
- catchfly
- catkin
- catnip
- cattail
- cattleya
- cayenne
- cedar
- celandine
- century plant
- chalice
- chard
- charlock
- cherry
- chervil
- chestnut
- chickweed
- chick‐pea
- chicory
- chive
- chlorella
- chloroplast
- chrysanthemum
- cicatrix
- cinchona
- cineraria
- cinnamon
- cinquefoil
- cirrus
- citron
- citrus
- classification
- clematis
- clove
- clover
- coca
- cockle
- cockscomb
- coco
- coffee tree
- colchicum
- cole
- coleus
- collard
- collective fruit
- coltsfoot
- columbine
- colza
- coma
- comfrey
- compound flower
- compound leaf
- cone
- conifer
- conjugate
- convolute
- convolvulus
- coreopsis
- coriander
- cork oak
- corm
- corn cockle
- corn poppy
- cornel
- cornflower
- corolla
- cortex
- cos
- cosmos
- cotton
- cottonwood
- cotyledon
- couch grass
- cowpea
- cowslip
- coxcomb
- crabgrass
- cranberry
- crape myrtle
- creeper
- crocus
- cross‐pollinate
- cross‐pollination
- crowfoot
- crucifer
- cryptomeria
- cucumber
- cumin
- currant
- cuticle
- cyclamen
- cypress
- cyst
- daffodil
- dahlia
- daisy
- damson
- dandelion
- darnel
- date palm
- delphinium
- dentate
- deodar
- dianthus
- diatom
- dicotyledon
- digitalis
- digitate
- dill
- dishcloth gourd
- dissected
- distal
- diurnal
- divided
- division
- dock
- dogwood
- drupe
- duckweed
- duct
- durian
- ebony
- edelweiss
- eelgrass
- eggplant
- elder
- elm
- embryo
- endive
- endocarp
- epicarp
- epidermis
- epiphyte
- ergot
- erica
- eucalyptus
- evening primrose
- false acacia
- female
- fennel
- fern
- fibril
- filament
- filbert
- fingered
- fir
- fire blight
- flag
- flagellum
- flax
- fleur‐de‐lis
- flower bud
- flowering
- flowering dogwood
- flytrap
- foliate
- forget‐me‐not
- forsythia
- foxglove
- foxtail
- freesia
- frond
- fuchsia
- furze
- gardenia
- garlic
- genista
- gentian
- geranium
- gerbera
- giant sequoia
- gillyflower
- ginger
- gingko
- ginseng
- gladiolus
- gloxinia
- godetia
- goldenrod
- gooseberry
- goosefoot
- gorse
- gourd
- grape
- grapefruit
- grass
- groundsel
- guava
- guelder rose
- gulfweed
- gum tree
- gumbo
- gymnosperm
- gypsophila
- hackberry
- hair
- half‐breed
- harebell
- hawthorn
- hazel
- heath
- heather
- heliotrope
- heliotropic
- heliotropism
- hemlock
- hemlock fir
- hemp
- henbane
- henna
- hepatica
- hermaphrodite
- hibiscus
- hickory
- holly
- holly oak
- hollyhock
- honeysuckle
- hooded
- hop
- hornbeam
- horse chestnut
- horse mushroom
- horseradish
- horsetail
- hot pepper
- huckleberry
- hyacinth
- hybridize
- hydrangea
- hyssop
- ilex
- impatiens
- inferior
- inflorescence
- integument
- involute
- iris
- isthmus
- ivy
- japonica
- jasmine
- joint
- jonquil
- jujube
- juniper
- jute
- kauri
- key
- kingcup
- kohlrabi
- kudzu
- kumquat
- label
- laburnum
- lacerate
- lady's fingers
- larch
- larkspur
- lateral
- laurel
- lavender
- laver
- leader
- leaflet
- leafstalk
- leek
- legume
- leguminous
- lehua
- lemon
- lentil
- lettuce
- lichen
- licorice
- ligneous
- lilac
- lily
- lily of the valley
- lima bean
- limb
- lime
- linden
- linear
- ling
- linseed
- litchi
- liverwort
- lobar
- lobe
- lobelia
- loco
- locust
- locust bean
- locust tree
- loganberry
- logwood
- loofah
- loquat
- lotus
- lucern
- lungwort
- lupin
- madder
- magnolia
- maguey
- mahogany
- maidenhair
- maidenhair tree
- male
- mallow
- mandarin
- mandrake
- mangel‐wurzel
- mango
- mangosteen
- maple
- marguerite
- marigold
- marihuana
- marjoram
- marrowfat
- mastic
- mayflower
- meadowsweet
- medlar
- medulla
- melon
- mesocarp
- metasequoia
- mignonette
- mildew
- milkweed
- milkwort
- millet
- milo
- mint
- mistletoe
- mock orange
- monkey puzzle
- monkeypod
- monocotyledon
- moonflower
- morel
- morello
- morning glory
- moss
- mountain ash
- mulberry
- musk rose
- mustard
- myrtle
- narcissus
- nasturtium
- nectar
- nectarine
- nectary
- needle
- nerve
- nettle
- neutral
- nightshade
- nocturnal
- node
- nodular
- nodule
- notched
- nutmeg
- oak
- oat
- oblique
- offset
- offshoot
- oil palm
- okra
- oleander
- olive
- onion
- opium poppy
- orange
- orchid
- orchis
- oregano
- orris
- osier
- ovarian
- ovary
- oxalis
- oxeye
- oxlip
- palmate
- palmetto
- pampas grass
- pansy
- papaya
- papilla
- paprika
- papyrus
- parasite
- parsley
- parsnip
- passionflower
- patchouli
- pawpaw
- pea
- peach tree
- pear tree
- pecan
- pedate
- pedicel
- peduncle
- pelargonium
- peony
- pepper
- peppermint
- pericarp
- periwinkle
- persimmon
- petal
- petiole
- petunia
- peyote
- phlox
- photosynthesis
- pigweed
- pimento
- pimpernel
- pine
- pink
- pinnate
- pistachio
- pistil
- pitcher plant
- pith
- plane tree
- plantain
- poinsettia
- poison ivy
- pollen
- pollinate
- polyandrous
- polyandry
- polyanthus
- polygamous
- polygamy
- polygyny
- pome
- pomegranate
- pompon
- pond lily
- poplar
- poppy
- portulaca
- potato
- pouch
- prickly pear
- primrose
- primula
- privet
- process
- prostrate
- proximal
- puffball
- purslane
- pussy willow
- pyrethrum
- quaking aspen
- quince
- radicle
- radix
- raffia
- ragweed
- rambler
- rambling
- ramie
- rape
- raspberry
- rattan
- receptacle
- red clover
- red pepper
- redcurrant
- redwood
- reed
- regular
- rhizome
- rhododendron
- rhubarb
- rib
- rice
- rock plant
- root hair
- rootlet
- rootstock
- rose
- rosemary
- rosewood
- rowan
- rubber plant
- rubber tree
- rue
- runner
- runner bean
- rush
- rust
- rye
- sac
- safflower
- saffron
- sage
- sagebrush
- sago palm
- saguaro
- saintpaulia
- sallow
- salsify
- salvia
- sandalwood
- sapodilla
- sargasso
- sarsaparilla
- sassafras
- satinwood
- savory
- savoy cabbage
- saxifrage
- scabious
- scald
- scale
- scape
- scarlet pimpernel
- scarlet runner
- sea island cotton
- sea kale
- sea pink
- sedge
- seedcase
- sego lily
- self‐fertilization
- seminal
- senna
- sensitive plant
- sepal
- sequoia
- sesame
- shaddock
- shallot
- shamrock
- shepherd's purse
- silver birch
- single
- sinuate
- sisal
- skunk cabbage
- sloe
- smooth
- snap bean
- snapdragon
- snow pea
- snowball
- snowberry
- snowdrop
- snowflake
- social
- sorghum
- sorrel
- sour orange
- soy
- soybean
- spadix
- sparrowgrass
- spawn
- spearmint
- speedwell
- sphagnum
- spike
- spikenard
- spindle tree
- spruce
- squash
- stalk
- stamen
- staminate
- stigma
- stinging nettle
- stock
- stone fruit
- strawberry
- strawberry tree
- struma
- style
- succulent
- sucker
- sugar beet
- sugar maple
- sugarcane
- sumac
- sundew
- sunflower
- superior
- sweet orange
- sweet pea
- sweet pepper
- sweet potato
- sweet william
- sweetbriar
- sycamore
- tamarind
- tamarisk
- tansy
- taproot
- tare
- taro
- tarragon
- tea
- teak
- teasel
- tendril
- tentacle
- the tree of life
- thistle
- thorn apple
- thrift
- thyme
- tiger lily
- timothy
- tobacco
- tomato
- touch‐me‐not
- tree fern
- tree ring
- trefoil
- trembling poplar
- trilobate
- trinomial
- tripartite
- truelove
- truffle
- trumpet creeper
- tube
- tuber
- tubercle
- tuberose
- tuberous
- tulip
- tulip tree
- tumbleweed
- turmeric
- turnip
- umbel
- valerian
- valve
- vanilla
- venous
- verbena
- veronica
- vessel
- vetch
- victoria
- vine
- viola
- violet
- wallflower
- walnut
- water chestnut
- water lily
- watercress
- watermelon
- wattle
- weeping willow
- wheat
- whin
- white birch
- white cedar
- white oak
- whorl
- whorled
- whortleberry
- wild oat
- wild rose
- willow
- wilt
- windflower
- wisteria
- witch hazel
- woad
- wolfsbane
- wood sorrel
- woodbine
- woodruff
- wormwood
- xylem
- yam
- yarrow
- yew
- yucca
- zinnia
- gnarled
- ivied
- ratan
- Dover sole
- John Dory
- albacore
- anchovy
- angelfish
- anglerfish
- ayu
- barbel
- barracuda
- bass
- beluga
- black bass
- bluefish
- bonito
- bream
- brill
- brown trout
- carp
- catfish
- char
- chub
- cod
- coelacanth
- conger
- dab
- dace
- damselfish
- devilfish
- dogfish
- dolphin
- dory
- eel
- electric eel
- electric ray
- elver
- fantail goldfish
- flatfish
- flounder
- fluke
- flying fish
- globefish
- goby
- grouper
- gudgeon
- gunnel
- guppy
- haddock
- hake
- halibut
- hammerhead
- herring
- horse mackerel
- king salmon
- lamprey
- lateral line
- lemon sole
- ling
- loach
- lungfish
- mackerel
- manta
- marlin
- minnow
- moray
- mudskipper
- mullet
- needlefish
- opah
- paddlefish
- pectoral
- perch
- pike
- pilchard
- pilot fish
- piranha
- pirarucu
- plaice
- porgy
- puffer
- rainbow trout
- ray
- remora
- roach
- sailfish
- salmon
- sardine
- sea bream
- sea horse
- shad
- shark
- skate
- skipjack tuna
- smelt
- snapper
- sole
- sprat
- steelhead
- stickleback
- stingray
- sturgeon
- sunfish
- swordfish
- swordtail
- tench
- thresher
- tiger shark
- tomcod
- tope
- torpedo
- trout
- tuna
- tunny
- turbot
- weakfish
- whale shark
- whiting
- wolffish
- Adonis blue
- Amazon ant
- Colorado potato beetle
- German cockroach
- Japanese beetle
- Mediterranean fruit fly
- anopheles
- ant
- antlion
- aphid
- apterous
- army ant
- armyworm
- bagworm
- bedbug
- bee
- blackfly
- blowfly
- bluebottle
- boll weevil
- bookworm
- borer
- bot
- botfly
- bristletail
- bumblebee
- cabbage butterfly
- cabbageworm
- caddis fly
- cankerworm
- chafer
- chigger
- chigoe
- chinch bug
- cicada
- click beetle
- clothes moth
- cockchafer
- cockroach
- coleopterous
- copper
- crab louse
- crane fly
- cricket
- cutworm
- daddy longlegs
- damselfly
- deathwatch beetle
- digger wasp
- dipterous
- dragonfly
- earwig
- femur
- firefly
- flea
- fly
- fruit fly
- gadfly
- gallfly
- geometer
- glowworm
- gnat
- grasshopper
- greenfly
- gypsy moth
- honeybee
- hornet
- horsefly
- housefly
- hoverfly
- ichneumon fly
- imago
- inchworm
- jigger
- katydid
- ladybird
- ladybug
- larva
- lepidopterous
- lightning bug
- locust
- looper
- louse
- mantis
- mayfly
- mealybug
- measuring worm
- monarch butterfly
- mosquito
- moth
- nurse
- nymph
- peacock butterfly
- plant louse
- praying mantis
- pupa
- queen ant
- queen bee
- red admiral
- sand flea
- sandfly
- scale insect
- scarab
- silkworm
- silverfish
- slave ant
- soldier ant
- spiracle
- spittlebug
- stag beetle
- stick insect
- swallowtail
- termite
- tiger beetle
- tiger moth
- tsetse
- tzetze fly
- walking stick
- wasp
- water beetle
- weevil
- whirligig
- whirligig beetle
- white ant
- wiggler
- wireworm
- worker
- wriggler
- yellow jacket
- potato beetle
- Baltimore oriole
- Canada goose
- Mother Carey's chicken
- adjutant bird
- aigret
- albatross
- apteryx
- auk
- avocet
- bald eagle
- baldpate
- barn owl
- barn swallow
- barnacle goose
- bird of paradise
- bittern
- black grouse
- black swan
- blackbird
- blackcap
- blackhead
- blue jay
- blue tit
- bluebird
- bobolink
- booby
- brambling
- bulbul
- bullfinch
- bunting
- bustard
- butcher‐bird
- buzzard
- canary
- canvasback
- capercaillie
- cardinal bird
- carrion crow
- cassowary
- catbird
- chaffinch
- chickadee
- chimney swallow
- chimney swift
- chipping sparrow
- cockatoo
- condor
- coot
- cormorant
- corncrake
- cowbird
- crake
- crane
- creeper
- crossbill
- crow
- cuckoo
- curlew
- dabchick
- dipper
- diver
- dodo
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- egret
- eider duck
- emperor penguin
- emu
- falcon
- finch
- flamingo
- flycatcher
- frigate bird
- fulmar
- gander
- gannet
- golden eagle
- goldfinch
- goose
- goshawk
- grebe
- greenfinch
- grouse
- guillemot
- guinea fowl
- guinea hen
- gull
- halcyon
- hawk
- hazel grouse
- hedge sparrow
- heron
- herring gull
- hoopoe
- hornbill
- horned owl
- house martin
- house sparrow
- hummingbird
- ibis
- jackdaw
- jacksnipe
- jaeger
- jay
- kestrel
- kingbird
- kingfisher
- kinglet
- kite
- kittiwake
- kiwi
- kookaburra
- lapwing
- lark
- laughing jackass
- linnet
- loon
- lovebird
- lyrebird
- macaw
- magpie
- mallard
- mandarin duck
- mandible
- marabou
- martin
- meadowlark
- merlin
- mew
- mockingbird
- moorcock
- moorfowl
- moorhen
- mourning dove
- myna
- nighthawk
- nightingale
- nightjar
- nuthatch
- oriole
- ortolan
- osprey
- ostrich
- ouzel
- owl
- parakeet
- parrot
- partridge
- peacock
- peewit
- pelican
- penguin
- peregrine falcon
- petrel
- pewee
- pewit
- phalarope
- pheasant
- pigeon
- pipit
- plover
- pouter
- ptarmigan
- puffin
- quail
- quetzal
- rail
- raptorial
- raven
- red grouse
- redbird
- redbreast
- redstart
- redwing
- rhea
- roadrunner
- robin
- roller
- rook
- ruffed grouse
- runner
- sacred ibis
- sandpiper
- scaup
- screech owl
- secretary bird
- sheldrake
- shelduck
- shoveler
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- skylark
- snipe
- snow goose
- snowbird
- song sparrow
- song thrush
- sparrow
- sparrow hawk
- starling
- stork
- stormy petrel
- swallow
- swan
- swift
- tanager
- tattler
- tawny owl
- teal
- tern
- thrasher
- throstle
- thrush
- tit
- titmouse
- toucan
- tropicbird
- turkey
- turtledove
- visitant
- visitor
- vulture
- wagtail
- water hen
- waxwing
- web
- whippoorwill
- whitethroat
- whooping crane
- whooping swan
- widgeon
- wild duck
- wood pigeon
- wood thrush
- woodcock
- woodpecker
- wren
- yellowhammer
- Hb
- Rh
- Rh factor
- adrenaline
- albumin
- amylase
- amyloid
- androgen
- antibiotic
- beta‐carotene
- biotin
- blood sugar
- bouillon
- carotene
- cellulose
- chlorophyl
- cholesterol
- cohort
- deoxyribonucleic acid
- estrogen
- factor VIII
- fissiparous
- flagellum
- gamma globulin
- gemma
- genetic code
- glabrous
- globin
- globulin
- growth hormone
- hemoglobin
- histamine
- human growth hormone
- inducer
- intercellular
- interferon
- internuclear
- lipase
- lipid
- lysin
- message
- messenger RNA
- multivalent
- neomycin
- nucleic acid
- pepsin
- peptone
- restriction enzyme
- retrovirus
- riboflavin
- ribonucleic acid
- septum
- steapsin
- taurine
- template
- thyroxin
- transfer RNA
- trypsin