研究社 新英和中辞典 | 自然科学と技術
- A
- Ac
- Ag
- Al
- Ar
- As
- At
- Au
- B
- Ba
- Be
- Bi
- Bk
- Br
- C
- Ca
- Cb
- Cd
- Ce
- Cf
- Cl
- Cm
- Co
- Cr
- Cs
- Cu
- D
- Dy
- Er
- Es
- Eu
- F
- Fe
- Fm
- Fr
- Ga
- Gd
- Ge
- H
- He
- Hf
- Hg
- Ho
- I
- In
- Ir
- K
- Kr
- La
- Li
- Lr
- Lu
- Md
- Mg
- Mn
- Mo
- N
- Na
- Nb
- Ne
- Ni
- Np
- O
- Os
- P
- Pa
- Pb
- Pd
- Ph
- Pm
- Po
- Pr
- Pt
- Pu
- Ra
- Rb
- Re
- Rh
- Rn
- Ru
- S
- Sb
- Sc
- Se
- Si
- Sm
- Sn
- Sr
- T
- Ta
- Tb
- Tc
- Te
- Th
- Ti
- Tl
- Tm
- Tn
- U
- V
- W
- Xe
- Y
- Yb
- Z
- Zn
- Zr
- absolute alcohol
- abstraction
- accelerator
- acceptor
- acetate
- acetic acid
- acetone
- acetyl
- acetylene
- acid
- acidify
- actinium
- activate
- activation
- activator
- adsorb
- adsorbent
- aerosol
- affinity
- alcohol
- aldehyde
- alkali
- alkaline
- alkaloid
- allotrope
- allotropy
- alum
- alumina
- amino acid
- ammonia
- ammonium
- analysis
- aniline
- anion
- antimony
- argon
- arsenic
- arsenical
- ash
- astatine
- at. no.
- ate
- atom
- atomic number
- atomic theory
- atomic volume
- attraction
- atvol.
- barium
- base
- basic
- benzene
- benzene nucleus
- benzene ring
- benzine
- benzoic acid
- benzol
- berkelium
- beryllium
- bicarbonate
- bichloride
- binary
- bismuth
- bivalence
- bivalent
- bond
- borate
- borax
- boric acid
- boron
- bound
- bromide
- bromine
- buret
- burn
- butane
- butyric acid
- cadmium
- caffeine
- calcination
- calcium
- calcium carbide
- calcium carbonate
- californium
- calomel
- calorie
- camphor
- carbide
- carbohydrate
- carbolic
- carbon
- carbon 14
- carbon black
- carbon dioxide
- carbon monoxide
- carbon tetrachloride
- carbonate
- carbonic
- casserole
- catalysis
- catalyst
- catalyze
- cation
- caustic
- cellulose acetate
- cellulose nitrate
- cerium
- cesium
- chain
- chloral
- chloral hydrate
- chlorate
- chloric
- chloride
- chlorinate
- chlorine
- chloroform
- chrome yellow
- chromic
- chromite
- chromium
- cit.
- citrate
- citric acid
- cobalt
- cobalt 60
- cocaine
- colloid
- columbium
- combination
- combine
- combined
- compound
- constitutional
- corrosive
- crack
- cream of tartar
- creosol
- creosote
- cresol
- crystal
- cupric
- cuprum
- curium
- cyanic
- cyanide
- degradation
- deliquesce
- deliquescence
- deoxidize
- derivative
- detection
- deuterium
- dextrin
- dextrose
- dialysis
- diastase
- dioxide
- dioxin
- disintegration
- dysprosium
- earth
- efflorescence
- efflorescent
- einsteinium
- electrolysis
- electrolyte
- electron
- electronegative
- electropositive
- element
- elemental
- empirical
- emulsifier
- emulsion
- enriched uranium
- enzyme
- eosin
- ephedrine
- equation
- equivalence
- equivalent
- erbium
- ester
- ethane
- ether
- ethereal
- ethyl
- ethyl alcohol
- ethylene
- europium
- extraction
- fatty acid
- fermium
- ferric
- ferrous
- ferro‐
- fix
- fixation
- fixed
- flower
- fluoride
- fluorine
- fluorocarbon
- flux
- formaldehyde
- formic acid
- formula
- francium
- free
- fructose
- gadolinium
- galactose
- gallium
- gel
- generate
- generation
- germanium
- glucose
- glutamic acid
- glutamine
- gluten
- glycerin
- glycogen
- graphic
- gravimeter
- group
- hafnium
- halide
- halogen
- heavy
- heavy metal
- helium
- holmium
- homologous
- homologue
- homology
- hydrate
- hydric
- hydrocarbon
- hydrochloric
- hydrocyanic
- hydrogen
- hydrogen ion
- hydroxide
- hyposulfite
- hypo‐
- ignite
- in
- inactive
- indicator
- indium
- inductor
- inert
- inhibitor
- inorganic
- invert
- iodine
- iodize
- iodoform
- ion
- ion exchange
- ionium
- ionization
- iridium
- iron oxide
- isolate
- isolated
- isolation
- isomer
- isomeric
- isotope
- kaolin
- keratin
- ketone
- krypton
- lactose
- lanthanum
- lawrencium
- lead
- liberate
- liberation
- liquid oxygen
- lithia
- lithium
- litmus
- litmus paper
- litmus test
- loose
- lox
- lutetium
- magnesia
- magnesium
- maltose
- manganese
- mendelevium
- menthol
- mercuric
- mercury
- metal
- metallic
- methane
- methyl
- methyl alcohol
- microanalysis
- mol
- mole
- molecular
- molecule
- molybdenum
- monomer
- monovalent
- monoxide
- mono‐
- morphine
- multivalent
- naphthalene
- neodymium
- neon
- neptunium
- neutral
- neutrality
- neutralization
- neutralize
- nickel
- nicotine
- niobium
- niter
- nitrate
- nitrate of silver
- nitric
- nitride
- nitrify
- nitrite
- nitrobenzene
- nitrogen
- nitrogen dioxide
- nitrogen oxide
- nitroglycerin
- nitrous
- nobelium
- nonmetal
- normal
- occlude
- octane
- octane number
- oil of vitriol
- organic
- ose
- osmium
- ous
- oxalic acid
- oxidant
- oxidation
- oxide
- oxygen
- oxygenate
- ozone
- pH
- palladium
- paraffin wax
- pectin
- periodic law
- periodic table
- permanganate
- peroxide
- per‐
- petrolatum
- phenol
- phenyl
- phosphate
- phosphoric
- phosphorus
- pipette
- platinum
- plutonium
- polonium
- polyester
- polymer
- polystyrene
- polyurethane
- polyvinyl chloride
- potash
- potassium
- praseodymium
- precipitant
- precipitate
- precipitation
- promethium
- propane
- protactinium
- prussic acid
- ptomain
- qualitative
- quantitative
- quaternary
- radical
- radiocarbon
- radioisotope
- radium
- radon
- rare earth
- rare‐earth element
- react
- reactant
- reaction
- reactive
- reactor
- reagent
- receiver
- rectification
- rectifier
- rectify
- reduce
- reduction
- residue
- retort
- rhenium
- rhodium
- ring
- rubidium
- ruthenium
- saccharin
- salicylic acid
- salt
- samarium
- sarin
- saturate
- saturated
- saturation
- scandium
- selenium
- silica
- silicate
- silicon
- silicone
- silver
- silver iodide
- silver nitrate
- simple
- sodium
- sol
- solute
- spirit
- stable
- stearic
- stearic acid
- stearin
- strontium
- structural
- strychnine
- styrene
- sublimate
- sublimation
- sublime
- sucrose
- sugar
- sulfate
- sulfide
- sulfur
- sulfur dioxide
- superphosphate
- suspension
- synthesis
- synthesize
- tannic
- tannin
- tantalum
- tare
- tartaric
- technetium
- tellurium
- terbium
- test
- test paper
- thalidomide
- thallium
- thorium
- thoron
- thulium
- tin
- titanium
- toluene
- transform
- transformation
- transuranic
- trinitrotoluene
- trioxide
- tritium
- trivalent
- tungsten
- univalent
- uranium
- urea
- urethane
- valence
- valent
- vanadium
- vinyl
- viscose
- vitrification
- vitriol
- volatile
- volatility
- volumetric
- watch glass
- white lead
- wolfram
- xenon
- ytterbium
- yttrium
- zinc
- zinc oxide
- zinc sulfate
- zirconium
- hydro cyanic acid
- morphia
- Cb
- Chinook
- Cs
- Sc
- St. Elmo's fire
- air mass
- anticyclone
- atmospheric pressure
- barogram
- breeze
- calm
- cirrocumulus
- cirrostratus
- cirrus
- cold air mass
- cold front
- cold wave
- corona
- cumulonimbus
- cumulostratus
- cumulus
- cyclone
- depression
- discontinuity
- dry
- exosphere
- eye
- fresh
- fresh breeze
- fresh gale
- front
- frontal
- gale
- gentle breeze
- halo
- heat wave
- high
- hurricane
- isobar
- isotherm
- isothermal
- jet stream
- land breeze
- lapse rate
- light air
- light breeze
- low
- meso‐
- millibar
- moderate breeze
- moderate gale
- nimbostratus
- occluded front
- parhelion
- precipitation
- pressure
- prevailing wind
- radiosonde
- sea breeze
- storm
- stratocumulus
- stratosphere
- stratus
- strong breeze
- strong gale
- troposphere
- trough
- turbulence
- visibility
- warm front
- waterspout
- wave
- white‐out
- whole gale
- wind scale
- wind sleeve
- zero‐zero
- REM sleep
- S sleep
- abduct
- abduction
- accommodation
- adduct
- adduction
- antagonist
- antibody
- apparatus
- automatism
- autonomic
- bile
- calcification
- central nervous system
- circadian
- climacteric
- compensation
- conditioned
- corpuscle
- defense mechanism
- duct
- ejaculation
- eliminate
- elimination
- emission
- endocrine
- erect
- erectile
- erection
- excite
- excreta
- excrete
- excretion
- fibrin
- hormone
- humor
- impulse
- inhibition
- leukocyte
- lymph
- mechanism
- menopause
- menses
- osmosis
- osmotic
- ossification
- ossify
- ovulate
- peristalsis
- phagocyte
- plasma
- platelet
- progesterone
- red blood cell
- reflexology
- reject
- rejection
- repression
- sebum
- secrete
- secretion
- secretory
- serous
- serum
- smegma
- sympathy
- synapse
- systemic
- tissue
- tonicity
- traction
- type
- unconditioned
- white corpuscle