![]() ![]() 日本の警察で用いられる罪名や法令名などを英訳した場合の訳例を調べることができます。 提供 警察大学校 URL http://www.npa.go.jp/keidai/keidai. html |
- 買物盗
- 覚せい剤取締法
- 貸金業規制法
- 貸金業の規制等に関する法律
- 仮睡者ねらい
- 火薬類取締法
- 官公署荒し
- 関税法
- 酒に酔って公衆に迷惑をかける行為の防止等に関する法律
- 器物損壊
- 客室ねらい
- 給油所荒し
- 凶悪犯
- 恐喝
- 凶器準備集合罪
- Abduction
- Abduction and kidnapping
- Adult Entertainment Law
- Alien Registration Law
- Amusement Businesses Law
- Anti-Boryokudan Law
- Anti-Nuisance Ordinance
- Anti-Prostitution Law
- Arson
- Assault
- Assembling prepared with dangerous weapons
- ATM card-use theft
- ATM theft
- ATM ねらい
- ATM破り
- Authority scam theft
- Bag lifting
- Bicycle Race Law
- Bicycle Racing Law
- Bicycle theft
- Bodily injury
- Bodily injury resulting in death
- Breach of trust
- Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law
- Burglary
- Cannabis Control Law
- Capital Subscription Law
- Cash delivery theft
- Cashier theft
- Child Welfare Law
- Construction-site theft
- Conversion of lost property
- Conversion of lostproperty
- Copyright Law
- Counterfeiting
- Crime
- Customs Law
- Damage or destruction of structure
- Dealing in ill-gotten goods
- Dealing in stolen goods
- Death through bodily injury
- Destroying things in general
- Dozing theft
- Dressing site theft
- Drunkenness Prevention Law
- Embezzlement
- Embezzlement of lost articles
- Employment Security Law
- Entertainment Business Law
- Entertainment Businesses Law
- Explosives Control Law
- Extortion
- Felonious offenses
- Felony offenses
- Firearms and Swords Control Law
- Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law
- Foreign Exchange Control Law
- Foreign Exchange Law
- Fraud
- Gambling
- Gunpowder Control Law
- Hemp Control Law
- Homicide
- Horse Racing Law
- Hospital room theft
- Hotel room theft
- Housemate theft
- Illegal arrest or confinement
- Illegal proceeds frommediation
- Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
- Immigration Control Law
- Indecency
- Indecency in public
- Indecency through compulsion
- Indecent assault
- Indecent offense
- Intellectual offenses
- Intimidation
- Intoxication Control Law
- Intrusion upon habitation
- Intrusion upon residence
- Juvenile Protection Ordinance
- Kidnapping by force or enticement
- Labor Standards Law
- Larceny offenses
- Larceny on burglary
- Larceny on non-burglary
- Larceny on vehicle theft
- Law Concerning Prevention of Acts of Nuisance by Intoxicated Persons
- Law Concerning Prevention of Unjust Act by Boryokudan
- Law concerning the Regulation of Receiving of Capital Subscription, Deposits and Interest on Deposits
- Law Concerning Waste Disposal and Scavenging
- Law Controlling Business Affecting Public Morals
- Law Controlling Contributions, Money Deposit and Interest
- Law Controlling Contributions, Money Deposits and Interest
- Law Controlling Possession of Firearms and Swords
- Law on Control and Improvement of Amusement Businesses
- Law on the Prevention of Irregularities by Gangsters
- Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses, etc.
- Loan Business Law
- Midget Motor Vehicle Racing Law
- Minor Offenses Law
- Money Lending Business Restriction Law
- Moral offenses
- Motor vehicle theft
- Motorbike Racing Law
- Motorboat Racing Law
- Motorcycle theft
- Murder
- Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law
- Narcotics Control Law
- Non-burglary
- Obstructing the discharge of official duty
- Obstructing the execution of official duty
- Obstruction of performance of official duty
- Obstruction of the execution of official duties
- Offense
- Offenses concerning arrest and imprisonment
- Offenses concerning property obtained through crime
- Offenses of committing indecency in public
- Opium Law
- Ordinance for Protection of Youth
- Other Law Offenses
- Penal Code Offenses
- Petty Offense Law
- Pharmaceutical Affairs Law
- Pick-pocketing
- Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law
- Poisonous and Hazardous Substances Control Law
- Poisonous Substances Control Law
- Prefectural Ordinance of Juvenile Protection
- Professional Motor Boat Racing Law
- Prostitution Prevention Law
- Public and Private Nuisance Prevention Ordinance
- Public indecency
- Public Office Election Law
- Public Offices Election Law
- Purse snatching
- Rape
- Reach theft
- Regulatory Law for Loan Business
- Residence and Land Transaction Law
- Robbery
- Shoplifting
- Shopping scam theft
- Special Law Offenses
- Stay-away scam theft
- Stealing of lost property
- Stimulant Drug Control Law
- Stimulants Control Law
- Theft through breaking and entering
- Theft through non-breaking and non-entering
- Trademark Law
- Trespassing
- Undergarment theft
- Unfair Competition Law
- Unfair Competition Prevention Law
- Unlawful arrest and illegal confinement
- Unlawful arrest or confinement
- Unlawful assembly with dangerous weapons
- Vandalism
- Vehicle load theft
- Vehicle parts theft
- Vehicle theft
- Vending machine theft
- Violation
- Violation of the law for prevention and disposition of robbery, theft, etc.
- Violation of the Law Prohibiting Mediation Remuneration
- Violence
- Violent offenses
- Visitor scam theft
- Waste Disposal Law
- Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law
- Wedding/funeral scam theft
- White collar offenses
- Workplace theft