![]() ![]() 作業環境中に存在する有害な因子の計測に関する用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日本作業環境測定協会 URL http://www.jawe.or.jp/ |
- 作業環境
- 作業環境管理
- 作業環境測定
- 作業環境測定機関
- 作業環境測定基準
- 作業環境測定計算基礎講習
- 作業環境測定研究発表会
- 作業環境測定士
- 作業環境測定士試験
- 作業環境測定士指定講習
- 作業環境測定士登録証
- 作業環境測定実技基礎講習
- 作業環境測定法
- 作業環境測定・評価推進運動
- 作業環境濃度
- 作業管理
- 作業姿勢
- 作業場における気中有害物質の規制のあり方についての検討結果第1次報告書
- 作業方法
- 酸素計
- サンプリング
- 施行令
- 指示騒音計
- 自然対数
- 湿度
- 指定作業場
- 使用形態
- 試料空気
- シンチレーション式線量率計
- シンチレーション式中性子測定器
- 生産工程
- 精度管理センター
- 生物学的限界値
- 生物学的ばく露指標
- 政令
- 相対湿度
- 相対濃度指示方法
- 測定点
- A sampling
- A-Weighted network
- administrative levels
- administrative measure
- airborne concentration
- assman's aspiration psychometer
- atomic absorption analysis
- A測定
- B sampling
- Basic courses for working environment measurement experts on calculation
- Basic courses in statistics of chemical calculation for working environment measurement experts on practical skills
- biological exposure indices
- biological limit values
- black globe thermometer
- B測定
- Cabinet Order
- carbon dioxide gas detector tube
- carbon monoxide detector tube
- ceiling
- Certificate of registration for a working environment measurement expert
- Chief of the Prefectural Labor Standards Bureau
- colorimetry
- common logarithm
- compulsory use
- concentration control standard
- control class
- control level
- cooling condensation sampling method
- counter tube type neutron detector
- design
- Designated courses in practical skill of working environment measurement experts
- designated workplace
- direct concentration indication method
- direct sampling method
- Director of the Prefectural Labor Standards Bureau
- dose-effect relations
- dose-response relations
- dynamic characteristic
- effects on health
- emission control
- employer
- employer who Performs the working environment measurement by his own experts
- Enforcement Order
- evaluation value
- expert officer in industrial health
- exposure concentration
- exposure limit
- external radiation
- film badge
- filtration Sampling method
- fluoroglass dosimeter
- fluorophotometric analysis
- form of use
- galvanometric oxygen meter
- gas detector tube
- gaschromatography
- gaseous
- Geiger-Mueller counter type survey meter
- general air concentration
- general knowledge of industrial health
- general ventilation
- generation control
- geometric mean
- geometric standard deviation
- gravimetric analysis
- hazardous energy
- health care
- health disorder
- health impairment
- humidity
- hydrogen sulfide detector tube
- Implementation of promotional campaign on Working environment measurement evaluation
- indicator
- indoor workplace
- industrial health control
- industrial health protective equipment
- Industrial Safety and Health Law
- interday variation
- ionization chamber type survey meter
- ionizing radiation
- Japan Association for Working Environment Measurement
- Labor Safety and Health Regulations
- labor standards inspector
- Labor Standards Law
- laws and regulations regarding industrial health
- liquid absorption method
- local exhaust ventilation
- log-normal type
- medical examination
- meter response
- mineral dust
- Minister of Labor
- model measurement form
- natural logarithm
- neutron
- numerical counting method
- Ordinance on Prevention of Hazards due to Specified Chemical Substances
- Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards
- Ordinance on Prevention of Lead Poisoning
- Ordinance On Prevention of Organic Solvent Poisoning
- organic solvent vapor
- oxygen detector tube
- particle size separator
- particulates
- peak exposure level
- penetrativity
- periodical voluntary inspection
- Pneumoconiosis Law
- production process
- protective equipment for respiration
- Qualification Examination of Working Environment Measurement Expert
- quantity of generation
- quantity of in take into human bodies
- quantity of toxic substances in use
- radiant heat
- radioactive substances
- radiochemical analysis
- relative concentration indication method
- relative humidity
- relative sedimentation diameter
- sample air
- sampling
- sampling point
- scintillation counter type neutron detecter
- scintillation counter type survey meter
- short term exposure limit
- silica content
- solid adsorption method
- sound level meter
- specified chemical substances
- Sponsorship of announcement meeting for research on working environment measurement
- substitute less toxic materials
- temperature
- The Accuracy Control Center
- the lowest limit in the quantitative determination
- The Primary Report on Results of Investigations Made on the Ideal Regulation of Airborne Toxic Substances at the Workplace
- thermoluminiscence dosimeter
- thermometer
- time for exposure
- time weighted average
- total α-radioactivity measuring method
- total β-radioactivity measuring method
- toxic substance
- two day measurement
- two days of measurement
- ultrasonic waves
- unit workarea
- work method
- work posture
- work practice management
- working environment
- working environment control
- working environment measurement
- working environment measurement agency
- working environment measurement expertclass
- Working Environment Measurement Law
- Working Environment Measurement Standards
- working method
- X-ray diffractometry