How to teach a child to count class 2 in their mind – methods and examples. Grade 2 math games.

Mathematics is not an easy subject for everyone and not every child is given an account at once. When children go to Grade 1, many parents have the question of how to teach a child to quickly count in the mind, and which of the many techniques most suitable in a particular case.

At the moment, there are quite a few methods of early development. In addition to the usual domestic methods of teaching the account, the increasing popularity of foreign innovative approaches, which have shown their effectiveness and significantly facilitate the learning process. Classes with young children it is desirable to spend in the form of a game, so that the child likes to acquire new knowledge, instilled love of learning.

How to teach a child to count class 2 in their mind - methods and examples

How to teach a child to count quickly in the mind in grade 1 and 2.
The appropriate age to learn the oral count is from 5 to 8 years. It is at this age that the mental processes responsible for the imagination begin to take place intensively. Development in a child studying in 1-2 grades, the skill of counting in the mind allows you to quickly and successfully master the basics of mathematics, preparing him or her to the perception of any educational programs.

Grade 2 math games

Basic training rules
It is important to follow certain rules to ensure that the learning material is quickly assimilated:

Lessons should not tire your baby, so it is better to study several times a day for 10-15 minutes.
Because learning is divided into the adaptation, comprehension and memorization phases, there is no need to repeat the material regularly. It is enough to apply the passed material in practice.

The tasks should be simple and correspond to the level of training of the student. Too complex tasks can cause emotional stress and dislike for the learning process. It is strictly forbidden to scold in case of failure. It is also not recommended to speed up the learning process.
Preparing for oral studies at the age of 6.
When the child turns 6, or even a little earlier, you can start preparing for the oral counting process. Familiarity with mathematics begins with learning numbers. It is better to explain at once that each of the numbers represents a group of subjects with a specific number of subjects. For example, there are 2 pigeons sitting on 1 tree or 3 balls in a toy basket.

Preparing to learn oral account at 6 years old
When the child turns 6, or even a little earlier, you can start preparing for the oral counting process. Familiarity with mathematics begins with learning numbers. It is better to explain at once that each of the numbers represents a group of subjects with a specific number of subjects. For example, there are 2 pigeons sitting on 1 tree or 3 balls in a toy basket.

Reading a child a fairy tale, you can also calculate the number of items or fairytale characters. You can learn by drawing or carving from coloured paper. It is important to the number of imaginary objects.
Games such as dice, dominoes and others, will help your child remember the name of numbers and understand what they mean. During the game, you can explain the subtraction and addition of integers. A child of preschool age, as a rule, should be able to add up the numbers in his mind within 10. Clearance 2nd grade workbooks.

Stages of learning
Training can be divided into several stages. Each stage has its own characteristics:

the use of visual examples from the surrounding world;
counting by means of special cards with the numbers shown on them;
counting aloud, loudly and whispering, without using any objects or manuals;
counting in mind.

Exercises for developing numeracy skills in mind
In order to help a student learn the basics of mathematics, you need to do fairly simple exercises. They can be done at 5 or 7 years old, only by correcting the complexity of numbers.


To practice the ability to visualize numbers and perform operations with them, offer your child, for example, to name all numbers from 1 to 50, which have a number 5.
In order to master the skill of addition, offer the child to choose two any numbers. For example, 3 and 5. After the child should add to the first number 3 the second number 5. To the resulting result again add 5, etc. The same exercise can be performed with subtraction.
A good aid for learning the basics of mathematics is the Shulte table.

Constant mathematical tasks with subjects that surround the child in everyday life.
Methods of teaching example solving in the mind for a child of 6 years old
A number of methods to quickly calculate the results of various mathematical operations will help you master the skill.

Relying on the number composition
In order to perform mathematical operations with ease, you need to know the composition of numbers. The main task is to study new numbers and their composition. To do this:

You can arrange a certain number of beads or other objects into several dishes. So you can understand what a certain number consists of. Such a game can be played with any improvised means.
You can learn by painting the cells with the composition of a given number in a certain color.

This is in order to understand how adding or subtracting results in more than 10. In order to explain how to add the numbers 8 and 5, you need to do several steps:

the first summation is added up to 10 (obtained from numbers 8 and 2);
to determine which number to add (based on the composition of number 5-2, in the remainder 3);
the result is calculated at the end.
The subtraction learning process is based on a similar principle.

Learning the tables
There is a way to memorize special tables. Children in the 1st-2nd grade, having familiarized themselves with the principles of the table, should memorize it.

You can use poems, songs, coloring, computer simulators, etc. to easily memorize the table. Having spent a little time and effort on studying such tables, you can easily perform operations in your mind.

With the help of computational techniques
Once you have mastered the basics well, you should move on to the skill of quickly finding the easiest ways to calculate the result. For this purpose, we use methods of counting and jumping, counting in parts, leading to a round number, and rearranging the subgroups. Having mastered such methods, the schoolboy will determine for himself the easiest way for him.

Modern ways of learning
Both domestic and foreign teachers agree that oral counting should be taught before school. Modern methods focus on the interest of the subject being studied.

How to teach a child to count class 2 in their mind - methods and examples

At the moment, the following learning methods are becoming increasingly popular.
According to Montessori.
Maria Montessori’s method of developing mental abilities, in particular oral counting, is based on empirical and playful learning methods with colorful and interesting aids.

In addition, wood bars from 1 dm and up to 1 m in size, which are blue and red with marks of 10 cm, are used for counting training. The student unfolds the bars as the length increases. After that each of them should be called a number taking into account the number of colored bars.

This way of learning is to teach the first step to count to 10 and focus on memorizing the results of all variations of addition and subtraction within 10. After that you can start with two-digit numbers.

There are up to 50 lessons on this technique, with detailed descriptions and examples. Therefore it is not difficult for parents to do the study of calculus on their own with the student. The difference from other teaching methods is that it teaches you to think in groups of numbers. More grade 2 math games.