Psychologist is one of the most prestigious professions of the XXI century.

psychologist is one of the most prestigious professions of the XXI century

In modern life, saturated with various events, many people can be under stress and as a result, acquire phobias, which is very difficult to get rid of. In developed countries, consultations with personal psychologists have long been practiced – such services are used by politicians, businessmen, actors and ordinary people.

Judging by statistics, the number of appeals for psychological help in Russia is growing day by day, and that is why specialists versed in the field of personality psychology are becoming especially in demand. The profession of psychologist in the XXI century is among the most prestigious.

Such popularity of psychology as science can be explained primarily by the fact that Russians have been living in difficult conditions of the world economic and political crisis for over 15 years. People are witnessing man-made accidents, natural disasters, terrible fires and other cataclysms. The intensification of terrorism, military actions in Ukraine, instability in European countries – all this worries and creates a sense of instability. In such turbulent times, not everyone can alone cope with the personal experiences and problems that arise. In this case, it is best to seek the help of a psychologist.

There is an acute shortage of qualified psychologists in our country. If there are institutions in large cities where psychological counseling is available, it is quite difficult to find a good psychologist on the periphery. Also, many people are simply afraid to seek psychological support, believing that the psychologist and psychiatrist are, in fact, the same thing. However, the difference between them is significant: if a psychiatrist is a doctor treating mental disorders and diseases, the psychologist can be referred to a social worker, who cures mental feelings with his talks and training. A true psychologist treats the soul, while confidentiality of conversations should be kept, and the responsibility for the client’s state of mind is huge. Therefore, not every student who received a specialty “psychology”, will be able to deal with such a responsible and painstaking work. As a matter of fact, such professions as doctor, teacher, researcher, consultant should be combined in a psychologist.

At present it is not a problem to enter the faculty of psychology. In Moscow, the top 10 best universities training specialists in psychology include such institutions as the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, Russian State University of Medicine, the Lomonosov Medical University, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian State University of Medicine, and the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Sechenov Medical University. Pirogov, the Pedagogical University (IPYU), the Social University (SUSU), the Psychological and Educational University (PSU), ISPU and the State Academic University of Humanities. These prestigious institutions have both budget seats and commercial training.

Psychologist is one of the most prestigious professions of the XXI century.

Specialist “psychologist” nowadays is in demand everywhere: from kindergartens and schools to large offices and enterprises. Where there is a team, there is always a high probability of conflicts that can be prevented with the help of a psychologist.

Quite often already established specialists receive a second education – psychologist, as this knowledge helps in work and career growth, in business. Besides, psychology teaches to live in a collective and be sociable, helps to reveal abilities of the person, resolves many family situations. Therefore, many people have become fond of psychology and want to acquire professional knowledge in this field.