Tips for parents to help with homework

Teach your child to organize the workplace with

The workplace should be adequately lit.
The light source should be in front or to the left so that the shadow from the head or from the hand does not fall on the notebook.
During the preparation of lessons, there should be no extra items on the table.
Teach your child to sit down for lessons on time.

It is better to start doing homework an hour and a half after returning from school, so that the child has time to take a break from classes, but is not yet tired and not overexcited from home games and entertainment.

If the child attends a circle or sleeps after school, lessons can be taken later, but in any case, they should not be postponed for the evening.

Do not allow your child to sit at the workplace for too long. Take time to take short breaks and read

Parents often demand that the child does not get up from the table until he has prepared all the lessons. This is not true! For a seven-year-old child, the time of continuous work should not exceed 15-20 minutes. By the end of elementary school, it can be up to 30-40 minutes.

Five minutes is enough for a break if it is filled with intense physical activity (squats, jumps, bends, etc.).

Never give your child additional tasks other than those given to him at school including

Do not forget that the child has a certain number of lessons every day, so his performance during the day is reduced.

Don’t force your child to redo badly done classwork.

You can offer to check it, correct errors, but you do not need to rewrite it. Repeated performance of an already completed task (albeit with errors) is perceived by the child as a meaningless, boring task. It discourages the desire to engage, deprives faith in their own strength.

At first, make sure that all the lessons are done.

If the educational material is poorly learned by the child, you should work with him, explain what remains incomprehensible.

Being present at the preparation of homework by the child, encourage him, help, explain if he does not understand or forget something, but never replace his activity with yours.