What if the child wants nothing?

Why do children choose gadgets at the expense of more interesting activities and worksheet generator?
What should parents do in such cases?
Why is it important to give your child the right to choose?

Many children prefer to spend time at a computer or tablet, sit for hours at the TV. If you offer the kid something to do, he will say that he does not want to. How to develop such a child?

Family life now revolves around children. Mom knows what foods her heir is allergic to, and she builds her diet on this principle. All go to matinees together, prepare crafts for kindergarten or school, and do homework together. On weekends, all entertainment is selected according to one principle: what will be interesting for the child. However, this position is not always correct.

There are too many worries too.
In a circus, zoo or oceanarium, adults often behave more active and lively than their children. The little one just wants to bury himself in the phone to watch cartoons there or play games. Unfortunately, such kids, despite their young age, are no longer interested in anything. From birth, they are surrounded by toys that we once could not even dream of, as well as technology, the existence of which we have only read in science fiction books. On the street, a child rides a balance bike, an inertial scooter, a cycle car, rollerblades, a skateboard, a high-speed bike. But all this is also not for long: satiety sets in very quickly, and another expensive toy goes to gather dust to its fellows.

Parents of modern children from an attention deficit generation and word scramble. Therefore, they tend to surround their kids with care and attention, which often turns into overprotectiveness. The child has everything he wants, and even a little more. What is the result? A generation of consumers is growing, greedy not for quality, but for quantity. The games and gadgets these children are used to do not develop thinking, fantasy, imagination, and do not give room for creativity.

Help. What should parents do?
Try to tell your child about the fun of your childhood. Believe me, it will be very interesting and exciting, especially if you play with the whole family. Build sand castles, throw flat pebbles into the water, make “secrets”, play hide-and-seek or catch-up. Every day, invent and remember something new, the benefit of different games that do not require special preparation are many. Take a ball, a rope, rubber bands, crayons, collect cones, leaves and acorns – if you want, you can always create something new. Hide gadgets and fancy toys, and very soon you will be convinced that your child’s behavior will change for the better.

Prodigies. It is now fashionable to develop children literally from birth.
The bad news is that the emphasis is mainly on the intellectual component, while physical culture and the emotional sphere are left on the sidelines. A child at three or four years old, in addition to kindergarten, still has a lot of additional activities: English, chess, mental arithmetic, speech therapist, dancing, music or art school. Of course, adults do this with the best of intentions, seeking to give the child as much as possible. But a growing organism cannot cope with such loads. The baby loses interest in everything, does not want anything, starts to get sick often.

Try an experiment: free your baby from all sections and circles for one week. You will see that he himself will begin to strive for those activities that really interest him. Children need free time to comprehend everything that is happening around them, to understand themselves and their place in the world. The child should always have the opportunity to play and walk in the street – sometimes it is more useful than reading encyclopedias.

Choice. It’s bad if the parents decide everything themselves.
Passivity, lack of initiative and inertia are the lot of such children. If this is your case, it is worth reconsidering your parenting approach.

Ask yourself: How often do you give your baby a choice? These can be little things: what to wear or what kind of porridge to eat for breakfast. It is even better if the child is allowed to dress himself and try to cook something on his own. And let the pants not be combined with a T-shirt or the porridge will burn – this is not so important. Praise your hard work and tell them that it will work out better next time.

It is sometimes helpful to have a celebration of disobedience. On this day, you can do whatever you want, not even go to kindergarten or skip extra classes. Help the baby to realize what he wants, let yourself be in control of his life. After all, these skills will be useful to him in the future. And then you will see that not a trace will remain of the former “reluctance”.